Food Ministry
First Sunday - Food Collections
on the First Sunday of the Month
(when we have Coffee Hour)
Rotating between 3 local ministries:
Middletown Elementary School (MAMA)
Trio Food Pantry at Laurel Ridge Community College
Brookside Food Pantry
MAMA (Middletown Area Mission Action)
- Middletown Elementary School
Snacks and Clinic Supplies
Possibly School Supplies/Backpacks
Clinic Supplies: Bandaids, lip balm, lotion, etc.
Snacks: Crackers, Granola Bars, Breakfast Bars, Rice Krispy Treats, Fruit Snacks
TRIO Food Pantry @ Laurel Ridge Community College (LRCC)
TRIO at LRCC provides support for first generation college students,
low-income students, and students with a disability.
Quick Meals/Snacks:
Easy Mac, Soups, Ramen. Frozen Burritos, Hot Pockets
Granola Bars. Little Debbie/Rice Krispy Treats, Crackers
lotion, toiletries. shampoo, toothpaste, feminine hygiene, etc…
Brookside Food Pantry
Is a food ministry of Brookside Church in Middletown,
serving the needs of the local area.
Canned Goods/Nonperishable items
Frozen meat, Eggs, Cheese, Yogurt, Bread